She's ok (in a loud sing-song voice). That's a line from a comedienne's skit that I listened to one night probably about 4 months ago on my way home from work. I have a fairly long and very busy commute - the comedy channel once in a while is a great way to just drive --- and not feel the need to just drive over everyone in my way!! Anyway, this lady was talking about not having a clue about home improvement projects but going to Home Depot, coming home and trying to help with the project and somehow gluing the cat's tail to her back, the cat squalled and she hollered she's okaa-aa-aayyy to the other room. For some reason, that just struck me funny and I use that line a lot. I wish I could remember her name!
I've been blog-silent over here in the desert for the last couple of months. The shop has been busy, but I think it's mainly just one of those times when I can't get out of my own way! Overwhelmed with all of it and would rather just read a book and escape into someone else's world for a while! ;) I have been quilting a little but I'm at a stopping point on my blue-green batik while I figure out what's going to make the borders work. In the meantime, it's "looking at me" from the dining room table. FMQ is really new to me and while I'm improving, it's certainly not show quality. I'm not even sure it's living room couch quality! Nahh, it'll be all right, I just need to do it and stop worrying about it I'm sure!
The two Priority quilts I sent to went to Houston and one sold. How exciting, that was pretty cool! I'm gonna do a couple more I think.
Probably what I really need is to make time for sewing -- I've been letting other things take precedence and haven't been sewing much at all. It makes a difference for me and I need to "just do it". I'll get started on that and the next post will have "finish" pictures!
Have a great night!!